Dr. Thanet Pitakbut's Biography

2. Current Projects 🥼 , Fundings 💰 and Collaborations ✈️ :

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Current Projects 🥼 :

         - FARM-BIOMOL chemical library establishment     SIAT HPC banner

         - Molecular simulation, AI, and natural products-based anti-infective drug discovery research

           “ 🚨🚧 Information of the project is under construction 🚧🚨”


Fundings 💰 and Collaborations ✈️ :


                 Host: Prof. Yanjie Wei

                 Lab: Center of HPC, SIAT, CAS, China

                 Project: Combining Molecular Simulation and Machine Learning for Virtual Drug Screening Model


                 SIAT HPC banner

                 SIAT banner


2023 - Stiftungsmittel der Gustav-Adolf and Erika Dornhecker-Stiftung, Department of Chemistry

               and Pharmacy, FAU

                 Host: Prof. Florence Tama

                 Lab: Computational Structural Biology Research Team, RCCS, Japan

                 Project: GROMACS Molecular Dynamic Research Training


                 RCCS banner


2023 - Stiftungsmittel der Hertha und Helmut Schmauser-Stiftung, Faculty of Natural Sciences, FAU

                 Project: Chemical library expansion and anti-beta-lactamase assay establishment


                 FUA FakNat


2017 - DAAD Doctoral scholarship, DAAD

                 Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Oliver Kayser

                 Lab: Techincal Biochemistry, BCI, TU-Dortmund, Germany

                 Project: Benefits of bacterial endophytic communities in plant defend and bioactivities of relevant NPs


                 DAAD logo

               TU Dortmund logo


2016 - ÖeAD Research visiting scholarship, ÖeAD

                 Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Adelheid Brantner(retired)

                 Lab: Department of Pharmacognosy, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Uni Graz

                 Project: Antidiabetic activity of selected indigenous Thai medicinal plants                öead logo                uni graz logo

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